For those looking to make online income with a digital resume

Build The Foundation Of Your Creator Business With Bulletproof Systems And Unlock Your Human Potential In Just 8 Weeks

Use your personal brand as a vessel for actualizing your highest self

Hey, I’m Jack Moses.

I’m a former college football player turned writer, podcaster, and entrepreneur.I want to show you the secrets to achieving time and location freedom by leveraging social media.In this letter, you’ll discover:

  • The 5-step process to reverse engineer your ideal vision into high-performing systems and habits.

  • How a digital resume and million-dollar network can land you life-changing opportunities (like working with 7-figure creators and entrepreneurs)

  • The operating system that scaled my following to 30k followers and income from $0-95k in just over 1 year.

  • And most importantly: How to build your dream life working 4-5 hours a day (seriously)

"Jack has audience building knowledge, extensive writing knowledge, and a big picture understanding of the moving parts of a business."

Dan Koe

Founder of Kortex, Modern Mastery, & Social Media Influencer With +2M followers

In just a few minutes, I’ll reveal the systems that took me to 30k followers and $95k in just over 1 year.

But first, I want you to imagine this:You live where you want.You work where you want.You create your own schedule.You work with clients you actually like.You build creative projects you actually find enjoyable.You build long-term digital leverage to make money while you sleep.You pursue true mastery and embark on the journey of your life’s work.It’s all possible.You just need a new path to get you there.This path is the path to your highest self.This path uses the power of the internet and your mind to create idea leverage.More on that in a second.But first, let’s talk about why the “safe” path isn’t safe at all.30% of jobs are predicted to be automated by 2030.Experts at McKinsey predict 400-800 million jobs will be outsourced to automation in the next decade.No code tools, software, and AI are replacing the monotonous, tedious tasks normally done by humans for a fraction of the cost.Everyone can see this trend coming.But how many people are taking actionable steps to protect themselves?A rare few.Why?A lack of awareness and knowledge about a new path.If you’re reading this, you’re rare.You’re on the new frontier.Just like the California Gold Rush of 1849, people are migrating towards new levels of freedom, fulfillment, and opportunity.Except this time, the migration is digital…

The new frontier is digital

The future of work is online:An all-time high 38% of the workforce are freelance workers.5.3 billion people use the internet (with 500,000 more joining each day).The Creator Economy is expected to approach half-a-trillion dollars by 2027 (per Goldman Sachs).

It’s only a matter of time before everyone is a part of the digital economy.AI and automation are only fueling this transition.AI and automation sound scary.Sure, AI could replace writing.But it cannot replace authentic human creation.The truth is, these tools will liberate human beings for new kinds of work.Creative work.Your new employees are the software doing monotonous tasks running for you 24/7 while you sleep, at a fraction of what it would cost to hire an employee.The optimal size for a company is getting smaller and smaller.To the point where the optimal size of a company is one:You.Now, any human being connected to the internet has access to infinite leverage.The vehicle is the internet.The fuel is your mind.The internet + your mind = idea leverage.

“In an environment where the greatest source of wealth will be the ideas you have in your head… anyone who thinks clearly will potentially be rich.”

James Davidson

The Sovereign Individual

With curiosity and an internet connection, your potential is unlimited

Your digital resume becomes your vessel for pursuing your life’s work and actualizing your highest potential (and getting paid in the process)You never have to look back on your life and ask, “what if?”You also don’t have to be tied to a boss, an office, a schedule, and a city.With your digital resume as the foundation for your creative career, your options become unlimited.And you only need 1-2 hours a day to start.I know you probably think most online courses never give real insight into how “successful” entrepreneurs actually became successful, so let me share with you the systems that fueled my entire journey.These systems turned my curiosity into online income and lifestyle freedom.What are these systems I used to create a life of freedom on the internet?These systems had nothing to do with becoming the hardest worker, sending the most dms, or working 14 hours a dayThey allowed me to make more progress than 99% of people in 4-5 hours a day.I can 100% say that Naval was right when he said:“What you work on is more important than working hard.”After reaching 30,000 social media followers and going from 0-$95,000 online in just over 1 year, I’ve realized the reason most people don’t succeed is because they don’t have a reliable system to follow that gets them results.Your systems form the foundation of your life.With the proper systems, your earning potential and creative abilities become unlimited.The man himself, Aristotle, said it best:“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”With the proper systems, you liberate your mind for uncapped creativity and earning potential.

What’s the secret system?
The 5 Levers X The Creator OS

The 5 Levers are the backbone of how you build your days and make sure you’re spending your limited time working on the right things (even if you’re in college or a 9-5 job).The Creator OS is your secret for organization, execution, and peak productivity.The combination allows anyone, including those new to social media, to:

  • Create viral content

  • Build profitable projects

  • Master the social media “game”

  • Find valuable podcast guests

  • Write high authority newsletters

  • Build a multi-million-dollar network

  • Repurpose content across platforms

And do so in 2-4 hours a day.If it weren’t for constant iteration, painful lessons, and investing $10k in mentors, I wouldn’t have been able to create this system, and wouldn’t have been able to become a Sovereign Creator.If it weren’t for building these systems, I would've never made progress.And internally, I would have been, for lack of a better term - f*cked.The sad part is I see so many creative thinkers (with unlimited potential) doing this right now.They want to grow.They want to monetize.They want to have an impact.But they don’t have the foundational systems to get there (digitally and physically).This is why I want to share this system, as well as a comprehensive curriculum, with you…The Creative Worker Curriculum combined with The Creator OS and The 5 Levers is the ultimate learning and operating system designed for any digital creator, entrepreneur, or beginner to make progress, fast.It’s so powerful - it will help anyone turn a curiosity into a profitable digital career.

What makes these systems so powerful?

The 5 Levers are the crucial building blocks of your daily workflow to make sure you’re checking all the necessary boxes to grow, monetize, and evolve your personal brand.The Creator OS is your all-in-one system to build profitable projects, craft irresistible offers, outline marketing strategies, write high-performing content, and build long-term compounding digital assets like newsletters, podcasts, and YouTube videos.Combine this system with achieving peak performance through lifestyle design, neuroscience, and flow psychology, and you literally become unstoppable.Literally.The only limits to your potential in the digital economy with these foundational systems are the openness of your mind and the strength of your desire (which we uncover in depth in the curriculum).Now it’s my mission to share this system with you.After escaping the 9-5, achieving digital freedom, and building a digital resume that allows me to never work a formal job again a day in my life, my mission is to help you do the same.The surface-level effects of this new life sound great:

  • Working out of coffee shops

  • Traveling to foreign countries

  • Designing your daily schedule

But here are so many secondary, deeper effects of building online income that will change your life:

  • You build a holistically balanced lifestyle that allows you to self-actualize across domains

  • You find and meet eerily like-minded friends online who you become lifelong friends with offline

  • The gap between work and play disappears. You get paid for doing what you’d be doing already in your free time.

And most importantly…You take the ceiling off your human potential.Your personal brand and digital resume become your vessel for actualizing your highest self, living the life of your dreams, and serving the world in a way only you can.The different paths you can take with a digital resume are nearly endless.

The path for those seeking digital freedom has never been easier.

If I included every single accomplishment that both my students and myself have achieved, you’d probably be bored to death by the time you’ve finished reading.But I think you’d like to see a few of my client “wins” over the past few months, so here they are:

Why Take This New Path?

Because of this one statement that changed my life:The greatest risk is not taking a risk at all.Instead of betting on themselves, most people relive YEARS on repeat, without growth towards something MORE out of their life.Have you ever wondered where trusting your curiosity would take you?Have you ever wondered the life waiting for you if you don’t take a chance and bet on yourself?You and I both know, it’s not pretty.On the conventional path, most people give up on themselves and their potential by 25.“Most people die at 25, but aren’t buried until they’re 75.” ~ Benjamin FranklinThis is average in society.This is what happens by following what everyone else is doing.But what about the other path?Do you ever think of the life waiting for you on the other side of sending the tweet, starting the business, or recording the podcast?These thoughts plagued me for months.I knew I wanted to start writing online, but I was terrified of judgment from friends, family, teammates, and coaches that already followed me.“Why are you posting stuff like that?”“You’re just wasting your time on that"“What's the point? It won't lead to a 'real' job."

Luckily, I decided to move forward despite fear, and I sent my first tweet on September 1, 2022.And thank God I did.6 months later in March of 2023, I left college, moved across the world, and achieved my dream:

Time and location freedom.A year and a half later, my brand (and life) look completely different:

This is what my brand looked like in September 2022.

This is what my brand looks like today.

In the past 17 months, I’ve:

  • Launched a cohort with 35 students

  • Grew a 30k audience across platforms

  • Performance coached over 100 creators

  • Made $73k my first year, and over $95k in total

  • Written multiple viral threads with millions of views

  • Worked at Kortex with A-players like Dan Koe and Joey Justice

  • Ghostwritten viral threads with a combined tens of millions of views

  • Moved across the world - twice - to Buenos Aires and Costa Rica

I sometimes don’t believe it’s all happened.
And the best part?
I’ve done this working 2-4 hours a day 95% of the time.With a clear roadmap and structured systems, you can do the same.This program is the roadmap.So, how exactly do the 5 Levers and the Creator OS work?

The 5 Levers Are The Foundation Of Your Workflow

Lever 1: Building ⚒️

To monetize your brand, you need a project.Your project:- Is the only way to avoid stagnation
- Is the only way to turn knowledge into dollars
- Is the only way to create positive behavior change in others
If you can build someone else’s dream for 8 hours, you can (and need to) build yours for 1.

Lever 2: Creating ✍️

If you can attract 1 fan, you can attract 1 million.If you can convert 1 fan into a buyer, you can convert 1 million.If you have an offer (your project), all you need to do is drive traffic (eyes) to the offer to make a full-time living from your creation.In this lever, you’ll create content that attracts readers, watchers, fans, and customers.

Lever 3: Networking 🌐

The digital economy is built on social media.Social media is a social “network.”Your network is your net worth.We’re going to go deep into the social psychology of human nature in this course so you know how to build a million-dollar network (even if you’re starting from zero).

Lever 4: Distributing 💻

If no one sees your creation, your creation doesn’t matter.You cannot rely on the algorithm to magically bring eyes to your work.You must learn the game to spread your writing.To have the impact you want to have, you must learn how to play the game.

Lever 5: Learning 📖

The greatest skill one can acquire is shortening the gap between idea and execution.The more skills you have, the quicker you can bring an idea into reality.One hour of deliberate study a day will put you ahead of 99% of people.

The Creator OS Has Everything You Need As A Creator

Quick Capture Command Center 💡

A central Notion page that interconnects seamlessly with all your other operating systems within the broader Creator OS across all your devices.This is the place where you can quickly store your notes and ideas that can later be turned into tweets, threads, newsletters, and projects.

Content and Brand OS 📝

A command center to gain clarity on your brand vision, outline a content schedule, and access viral content frameworks.

Performance OS ⚡️

A "MyPlayer" system for peak performance. This notion system will serve as the foundation for staying aligned with your vision, defining goals, and reverse engineering bulletproof systems.

Newsletter OS ✏️

This writing hub is where you’ll outline your newsletter, access persuasive writing frameworks, and have the ability to multiply your newsletters into 30+ pieces of unique content.

Project OS 📋

The most important system with the Creator OS. This is where you’ll outline projects, create a marketing strategy, and position and craft an offer that’s so good prospects can’t say no.

Podcast OS 🎙️

The ultimate networking hack. This hub has everything you need to prepare for, record, and position your podcast. It also contains a section for outreach strategy to connect with high level guests.

There’s a Business OS to manage clients and expenses, and a Notes OS to store and house all your notes.Oh, and this system connects seamlessly across all of your devices so you can catch ideas, iterate on projects, and remove the gap between idea and execution.

It’s my goal to help you reach your potential through creative work

I’m holding nothing back…The system that takes you step-by-step from overwhelm and chaos to clarity and structure…The curriculum that gives you a 360° view and understanding of the entire digital economy.The process that implements neuro-science, flow psychology, peak performance (and even spirituality) to help you reach your goals…The support system for guidance when you feel lost…And I’ve included all this inside (and much much more) inside my 8-week long program…

The Sovereign Creator Cohort

The Sovereign Creator Cohort is an 8-week program to equip you with the skills and knowledge to build the foundation of your digital career with a digital resume, content strategy, and profitable offer.The “Creative Worker Curriculum” walks you through step-by-step how to build a creative online income around your interests.Here’s what you’ll learn (in addition to The 5 Levers and The Creator OS)…

Phase 0: Primer Sprint

  • Set up your Notion Creator OS (to house all your content, projects, and everything else you’ll need for your creator journey).

  • Access your Creator's Toolbox (to prime yourself with all the tools and software to gain an edge).

  • Dive deep into the philosophy of the creator economy so you can understand the game holistically.

  • Understand the mindset, the identity, and the character traits of the top creators, so you can reverse engineer their success.

Phase 1: Performance Sprint

  • Identify your “Tribe of Mentors” who are your guide and inspiration for what you want your brand to be like in the long run.

  • Clarify your 10-year and 1-year vision and anti-vision for your future so you can access infinite motivation.

  • Reverse engineer your 90 and 30-day goals from your vision (with a goal-setting process backed by neuroscience).

  • Construct weekly systems and 5 daily levers so you can wake up each day with complete clarity, and structure it so you only have to work 3-4 hours a day.

  • Learn how to use Sunday to set yourself up for a week of clarity, focus, and progress.

Phase 2: Brand Sprint

  • Create a compelling bio that converts profile visitors into followers.

  • Learn how to own an aesthetic to stand out as a “niche of one.”

  • Position yourself as an authority (even if you don’t have much experience) to create followers, fans, and customers.

  • Build mental real estate through the power of depth and omnipresence.

  • Leverage psychological concepts like the mere exposure effect, the halo effect, and the consistency bias to get a leg up on creators unaware of these concepts.

  • Define your brand philosophy - you’ll answer the question, “What are you leading your followers towards?”

  • Define wide brand pillars so you never run out of ideas and cast the widest net possible for followers, fans, and customers.

  • Learn the power of “niching-up” or going “nicheless” to separate yourself as a niche of one.

  • Design a profile that looks like it deserves 100k followers.

Phase 3: Content & Growth Sprint

  • Learn the fundamentals of persuasive social media writing (crucial for growth).

  • Create writing that “sticks” with persuasion and psychology that leaves people dying to read another word.

  • Repurpose your writing across platforms (in 1-2 hours a day).

  • Leverage every tactic to build a network that’s worth $1M (the number isn’t as crazy as you think).

  • Source high-signal, pre-validated ideas you know will get engagement.

  • Start a newsletter, acquire readers with a lead magnet, and create die-hard fans and an asset that will form the backbone of your brand.

  • Learn the foundations of controlling your growth on any platform (social media growth is a skill. All skills can be learned.)

Phase 4: Monetization Sprint

  • Learn the fundamentals of marketing and sales (the two skills you need to never go broke again).

  • How to ideate and execute a launch (with a behind-the-scenes look at my launch strategy for my $25k cohort launch).

  • The power of direct outreach and tactics to convert DMs to sales.

  • How to “stack” your offer to make it so good a prospect can’t say no.

  • How to write compelling copy that converts at a high rate on a landing page.

  • The “selling-without-selling” promotion system to convert readers to buyers (without needing to get on a sales call).

  • Learn to use email sequences to raise readers up the “levels of awareness” to the point they become buyers.

  • Build the first iteration of your offer and product (you cannot improve without a first attempt).

  • Sell forever in the eternal markets (without pigeonholing yourself into a niche).

  • Learn why the greatest offer, marketing asset, and niche is you.

Bonus Phase: Human Potential

  • Learn the foundations of ego development, spiral dynamics, and the scales of consciousness to become a higher, more integrated version of yourself.

  • Defeat self-sabotage through the power of radical acceptance and letting go.

  • Learn how to bend reality by aligning your vision for the future with the present moment.

  • Unlock your creative potential by becoming a vessel for creative ideas.

But wait. There's more...

Let’s Make It Impossible For You To Fail With These 8 Bonuses

Bonus #1

60-minute vision call

In 60 minutes, we will crystallize your vision for the future, construct a roadmap to get there, and ideate the foundation of your digital ecosystem.We’ll also touch on all things peak performance, personal development, and reaching your potential.Sells for $500, you get it for free.

Bonus #2

Lifelong access to the Sovereign Creator Community

This community is set to launch in late 2024/2025, but you’ll gain lifelong access (for free) by being alumni of the Catalyst. The public doesn’t know about this yet - but we have 35+ members just like you inside ;).Sells for $240/year, you get in for free

Bonus #3

6 weekly group calls

The topics of the calls are as follows:Call 1: Vision, Goals, and Systems
Call 2: Brand, Niche, and Content Philosophy
Call 3: Social Media Growth and Networking Secrets
Call 4: Monetization Paths For Creators
Call 5: Peak Performance, Focus, and Flow Psychology
Call 6: Long Term Vision, Consciousness, and Evolution

Bonus #4

4 exclusive guest masterclasses

Dan Koe: One-person business foundations.
Taylin Simmonds: Building your digital identity.
Glenn Speakman: Mastering digital marketing.
Connor Widmaier: Become a pro at sales.
Worth over $1000, you get them for free

Bonus #5

24/7 support from Jack and Francis Oleh via Telegram

Francis Oleh is a writer and entrepreneur on X. He’s amassed over 100k followers in a few years on X, and will be your go-to-guide and educator (alongside Jack) to get feedback in real-time on strategy, positioning, and content ideas.

Bonus #6

The Creator’s Toolbox

All the plugins, software, and digital tools you’ll need on your creator journey. You don’t have to go through 18 months to figure all these out for yourself. You’ll shortcut your digital learning curve and be equipped with all the softwares and tools you’ll need to run your content system and creator business within a day.

Bonus #7

Private Telegram community

This community will contain channels for accountability on your daily levers, feedback on your content and offers, and a built-in networking channel. The hidden benefit of joining a cohort is the built-in community aspect. You don’t have to spend hours a day building your own.

Bonus #8

8 weekly 1v1 alignment calls + recordings

We’ll have 8 60-minute sessions to help you find your purpose, achieve peak performance, and live in complete alignment (1v1 consulting only).

Unfortunately… There is No Guarantee

Let me explain why.

Most online courses or programs come with a “guarantee.”But this isn’t one of them.This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.This is a group of highly motivated, ambitious people who will take this seriously so we can supercharge our growth together.These people:

  • Want to build authentic brands

  • And are willing to show up for 6-12 months to see tangible results

  • Understand the long-term compounding nature of reputation and leverage in the creator economy

Guarantees attract the wrong kind of people.That’s why instead of offering a “regular” guarantee, I’ll do you one better.If you invest in this program, go through the material, implement everything I tell you to do…You will see results.That’s my guarantee.If you apply what you learn, take relentless action, and commit to playing the long-game, it’s impossible not to see results.Why?Because I’ve helped over 100 beginner creators just like you do the same thing.And just like you, I was starting from zero when I entered this game 18 months ago.Plus, once you invest in this cohort, I will be in your corner for life.I tend to develop relationships with coaching clients and students closer to best friends, brothers, and even sisters compared to seeing you as a “client.”If an opportunity comes up in my network for a job, role, or position, you’ll be at the top of my list of referrals.

With everything I presented to you above…

This can be easily priced at over $10,000

Why?Because I’ve spent over $10,000 on courses and coaching over the past year.Some of the biggest creators in the game have mentored me along the way.I’ve bought coaching and mentorship from creators and entrepreneurs like Dakota Robertson, Danny Miranda, Justin Scott, and Dan Koe which has completely changed my life.Combine that with getting “paid to learn” now at Kortex (the largest one-person business school in the digital economy), and I might be able to raise the true value to $20,000 - $30,000So my question to you is…How Much Is This Lifestyle Of Digital Freedom Worth To You?Not answering to a boss.Working out of coffee shops.Being able to hit the gym at 11 am.Spending your summers traveling the world.Waking up every day inspired because you’re pursuing your Life’s Work.And here’s the craziest part:With the philosophies and systems you’ll learn in this program, you’ll build a brand with real leverage.Meaning while you’re traveling, out to dinner with friends, or even sleeping, payments will be coming in without you doing a thing.I got my first taste of leverage this year.On New Year’s Eve, I was at a football game with friends, drinking beers in the stands, and made $3000 during the game.I felt liberated.I finally understood what it meant to make money with your mind, not your time.This isn't unrealistic or reserved for the top entrepreneurs.This is the reality of building a leveraged digital resume and creator business.This is the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.This is the definition of digital freedom.Where the only limit to your earning capacity is the openness of your mind.

So if you’re ready to build digital leverage and create your dream life…

The time to make a decision is now

And since you’ve read this far, it shows that you’re ready to change your life:



$1,250 USD

  • The Creative Worker Curriculum

  • The 5 Levers System

  • The Creator OS (Including all the complementary OSes and the Quick Capture Central Hub)

  • Bonus 1: 60-minute vision call ($500)

  • Bonus 2: Lifelong access to the Sovereign Creator Community ($240/year)

  • Bonus 3: 6 weekly group calls

  • Bonus 4: 4 exclusive guest masterclasses ($1,000+)

  • Bonus 5: 24/7 support from Jack and Francis Oleh via Telegram

  • Bonus 6: The Creator’s Toolbox

  • Bonus 7: A private Telegram community

No spots left

1v1 VIP Consulting

$3,250 USD

  • The Creative Worker Curriculum

  • The 5 Levers System

  • The Creator OS (Including all the complementary OSes and the Quick Capture Central Hub)

  • All 7 bonuses included in the Cohort tier

  • Bonus: 8 weekly 1v1 alignment calls + recordings

If you think you have time to wait and think about it, you don’t…

This cohort is the most comprehensive program you’ll find in the digital economy at this price point.Every other program is 3 or 4 times as expensive as this cohort.And the price for future cohorts will likely be closer to other programs in the market.This is also the last cohort that gains lifelong access to The Sovereign Creators Community for free, meaning if you want to join this community down the line, you’ll have to pay.Enrollment for this cohort at this price will close March 31 at midnight.It will never be priced this low again.But if you’re reading this right now…Then you’re lucky you’ve found this page just in time.

Still have questions?

I have answers

The Creator Economy seems cool... but how do I know it's not a trend? +

The truth is, no one knows for sure. However, everything in the universe tends towards decentralization. The same holds true with the creator economy.The traditional institutions, i.e., corporations and the university system, cannot keep up with the specific knowledge of individual creators with infinite leverage and the rapidly progressing nature of the online world.

Are there any additional tools, software, or payments I'll need to make after joining? +

Nope. Your Creator Command Center will be obtained for free via Notion, and you only need zero-cost tools and softwares to implement everything you learn.There are things I will mention or suggest that do cost money, but they are all entirely optional and not necessary.

I've been in the creator economy for a while. Is the material too introductory for me? +

No. The Primer sprint will provide you with added insights and material you haven't learned about before. And the rest of the sprints are necessary knowledge for any creator, regardless of experience, to accelerate their growth both externally and internally.

Is it worth the time? +

Considering 2-4 hours a day of work on the right things in the right order with the right systems can lead to infinite freedom, influence, and leverage, I can’t think of a more worthwhile pursuit.3-6 months of focus can be your ticket to time and location freedom.6-12 months of focus can be your ticket to never working a job again.1-3 years of focus can be your ticket to infinite leverage.I’ll also counter the question with another question.What happens if you don’t invest the time?What does your life look like in 3-5 years if you don’t invest in yourself?How would you feel looking back if you never took the chance?“The greatest risk is taking no risk at all.”

Is it worth the price? +

Yes, and I’ve been told by countless creators I’m charging too little.Because after spending over $10,000 in mentorships and courses, working directly with the #1 thought leader in the creator economy, Dan Koe, and working personally with over 100 creators like you to grow and monetize their brands, I’ve condensed all my learnings into this program.

Will this cohort be available another time? +

Yes, however, the next cohort will not occur until likely late 2024/ early 2025.Also, the next iterations of this cohort will likely be 2-3x as expensive as this one.

Can I talk to Jack directly for more info? +

Yes. Shoot me a message on X @jackmoses0 and I’ll be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

You’re standing at a crossroads...

And you have 3 options

Option 1:You can close this page and continue to feel that guilt and frustration that nags at you when you know you're meant for more.The lifestyle you crave will slip right through your fingers…And the dreams you've envisioned will remain just that…A dream.Or you can go with option #2:Give up on your dream…You’ll continue to live the monotony of a lifeless routine, clocking into work day after day without ever pursuing your life’s purpose.Your dreams become distant memories, buried beneath a job that fails to fulfill your creative potential.That’s a life I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.However, you have option #3 (and I’d highly recommend it).You can trust yourself, make an investment in your future, and choose the path of empowerment to take a step toward making your dreams a reality.You’ll be investing in the one-stop-shop that equips you with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to grow and monetize the audience you’ve built.The decision is yours.Will you let your dreams remain dreams…Or will you trust yourself and seize the opportunity to turn your dreams into the reality you deserve?See you inside,

- Jack Moses

Join the next cohort!

Hey there,It's great to see your interest in joining the cohort!At the moment, all the spots for this program have been filled up.Don't worry, though! We'll be opening up enrollment again sometime in 2024.If you'd like to stay updated or if you have any questions, just shoot me a direct message on X.Looking forward to hearing from you!